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Imaginize the Incredible

What if the goosebumping spehere and feeling in Studio or Stadium suddenly can become reality also at home? We help you to capture and the best stunning images and transport the vibes and emotions to your clients!

Imaginize the Incredible

What if the goose­bumping spehere and fee­ling in Studio or Sta­dium suddenly can become reality also at home?

We help you to capture and the best stunning images and transport the vibes and emotions to your clients!

How to use all the tools out there in the right way to achieve "THE LOOK"

Production Support


Your production deserves the highest possible professionalism and quality! With all my knowledge and years of experience in the field of live TV, entertainment show and sports production, I am happy to be at your side.



Which is the right planning approach, baseband, 12G, IP, Cloud ?? ... keep in consideration also cost efficiency and reliability? Your crystal ball doesn't have the last SW update to give you the answers? We are happy to put our many years of experience at your disposal in decision-making!

Kevin Hein


Who am I: Kevin HEIN

Since 1999 I have been working in the media and television industry, where I have been able to expand my horizons in many areas of technology, planning, realization and processing. Some of the best-known and most exciting projects have taken me to all continents, be it Olympic Summer- & Winter- Games as an EIC, international trade fairs as a project manager and technical implementation for renowned car brands, as a service technician for major football events or as a Trainer / lecturer for Camera Operations & HDR workshops.
In addition, there is a deep understanding in the areas of IP and baseband infrastructures for broadcast, live TV and sports applications. I 've working at Grass Valley as a camera specialist for many years now.

To get in touch with me, please use the contact form or use the "send mail" button below. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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